On Thursday, the Guyana Police Force in collaboration with the Ministry of Education conducted a random bag check on students attached to several secondary schools along the East Coast corridor.
The schools searched included Lancaster Secondary, Bladen Hall Multilateral, Buxton Practical Instructional Centre, Annandale Secondary, Buxton Secondary, Plaisance Secondary, and President’s College.

During the search which was conducted between 09:00 and 13:00hrs several weapons such as scissors, screwdrivers, knives and a toy gun were found in possession of the students. These items were seized.
The move intended to tackle anti-social behaviour among students which in recent weeks has resulted in increased violence in schools.
The increased violence was a matter of concern for teachers, parents and even students who cited that they were afraid for their lives.
The students were also lectured on several topics such as the consequences of using offensive weapons at school, being respectful to teachers and being on the street after school hours.