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Agriculture Ministry receives $75M in materials & equipment from BNTF for farmers

[Photo: Ministry of Finance]

The Ministry of Agriculture on Wednesday received $75M from the Basic Needs Trust Fund (NBTF), which falls under the Ministry of Finance, which will then be donated to farmers across the country.

Senior Minister in the Office of the President with responsibility for Finance Dr. Ashni Singh handed over the equipment to Minister of Agriculture Zulfikar Mustapha at a handing over ceremony at the ministry. The items handed over included shade mesh, plain wire, mist blowers, shade house plastic and mesh, knapsack sprayers, water pumps, fertilisers, garden hoses, cutlass files, spades, brush cutters, wheel barrows, gloves, shovels, water cans and others.

Some of the items that were donated. [Photo: Ministry of Finance]

Over 12,500 coconut seedlings and 20,200 fruits and ground provision seedlings were distributed which will then be distributed to farmers in various regions across the country.

Senior Minister of Finance Dr. Singh said, "These items represent a significant contribution but are part of the much larger initiative that our Government is rolling out to address the advancement of agriculture and food security. An initiative that is being led at the highest level of Government by President Ali and Minister Mustapha."

Minister of Agriculture Zulfikar Mustapha thanked the Ministry for donating the much valuable equipment and materials. He recommitted the government's place to achieving food security.

“It will help us to implement the programmes that the government is rolling out. This here is testimony to the government’s commitment, when I say the government’s commitment because since I became Minister of Agriculture …..These equipment that we’re seeing here will help us to ensure that we roll out these programmes that we wanted," Minister Mustapha said.


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