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$152M contract signed for reconstruction of Zeelugt Primary School

Contract signing at the Region Three, Regional Democratic Council (RDC) [Photo: DPI]

The Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development has awarded a contract to the tune of $152,040,045 for the reconstruction of the Zeelugt Primary School in Region Three.

On Monday, the contract was awarded to A&N Enterprise at a simple contract signing ceremony at the Regional Democratic Council (RDC).

Minister Nigel Dharamlall noted that the region has tremendous potential in the oil and gas sector, which will attract significant investments.

To this end, the government has committed to ensuring the nation’s children are provided with quality education in order to benefit from these investments.

“…A lot of the investments are coming on the shores of Region Three, and so it is our part as government to ensure that we provide the best facilities for our students. The infrastructure there was left unattended for a long time, and so we have to provide an enabling environment for all of our students. It is our commitment to put education at the forefront of our development; health and education are our priorities.”

The current old wooden structure will be demolished, and a new modern concrete building will be built. Works are expected to be completed within a year.

However, the Minister has encouraged the contractor to complete the work in a timely manner.

[Extracted and modified from the Department of Public Information]

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