PNCR Leader Aubrey Norton has confirmed that Opposition Member of Parliament, Nicolette Henry has indeed resigned from the National Assembly.
This was revealed today at the People National Congress Reform weekly press conference.
Ms Henry’s resignation is expected to pave the way for Mr Norton, as the Leader of the People National Congress Reform to be sworn in as a Member of Parliament.

When asked about Former President David Granger’s submission to the Speaker about adding him to the list of MPs, Mr Norton responded,
“That determination is made by the APNU, (then) forwarded to Mr Granger who acts as the representative of the list.”
The PNCR leader explained,
“The resignation is to the 31st of March so there is not a vacant seat until then.”
With this in mind, he adds that he does not foresee him writing till the end of this month.
Mr Norton confirmed too that the PNCR has submitted the recommendation for him to be included in the list of MPs while pointing out that he is confident that the party wants him to be a part of their representation in the National Assembly.
In early February shadow Education Minister, Nicolette Henry during the debate of Budget 2022 announced her resignation from the National Assembly.
However, Speaker of the National Assembly Manzoor Nadir had indicated at that time that he had not yet received any formal resignation letter.