Newcomers outstanding in Sheltez Annual Junior Tournament

Newcomers command the court amongst more seasoned competitors in the ongoing Sheltez Annual Junior Tournament.
The Sheltez Tennis Club’s Annual Junior Tournament has seen outstanding newcomers holding their own amongst seasoned players on the court so far as the players approach week three of competitive action.
Some newcomers who have left a lasting impression on the court are: Matana Newland, Kayesha Harding, Malik Barker, and Christian Young.
The tournament is set for Saturday between male and female tennis players in the U18, U16 and U14 categories.
In the Girls U16 finals, Renola Jordan bounced back from her U14 finals defeat against Paula Kalekyezi to emerge as the winner of that category.
This is according to National Coach Shelly Daly-Ramdyhan: “They don’t have an actual tennis court in Buxton. So, they’re invited to train with our programme to enhance their tennis performance. This is their first tournament so I was very impressed with their performance.”
So far, the boys U14 category has been concluded with Nathan DeNobrega of Rebel Tennis Club earning the title.
Rebel tennis club is currently dominating the tournament with the club’s very own Gerald Scotland set to play Wayne Baker for the U18 boys title on Saturday at the Le Ressouvenir Tennis court.
Many of the club’s players also contested the action packed semi-final play offs last weekend.
Coach Daly noted that all the youth players have been performing outstandingly well and hopes that as tennis revives locally, there will be opportunities for players to tackle regional competition.
The most recent international engagement for the club’s players was when they were granted an opportunity to compete in October last year where they performed credibly.

“We were still able to push them and get out there and play very, very well. This team would have been the second team to perform extremely well at this last tournament we competed in.”
“Like I always say, I think all players have the potential, it’s just the exposure they need. And that’s an area we’ve been lacking in”