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“Men do not hit our women”- Founder of men organisation urges

Randy Shepherd, who is the founder of ‘Men Hearing Men, Helping Men, Healing men’ has a strong message for men.

His message is to simply not resort to domestic violence if a relationship becomes strained or does not work out.

Instead, Shepherd is encouraging the young men to simply leave the relationship.

“There are many of times when I think you know, what she is wrong finish it but then reality struck when you finish her what become of me? I am finish also.”

It is because of his personal experience, he is using his platform to provide guidance to men who may have the thought of resorting to violence towards women.

“If you try all the avenues possible and try to make the relationship work and it can’t work just leave? Starting over may be hard but it is the best to do. Men have a way of saying but I invest in this woman. A woman is not an investment, if there is not a time it cannot work and you have to let it go just let it go,” he said.

And while some may want to stay because of the fact that they do not want their child to grow up in a broken family, he said “you can separate and still co-parent. They can still be there for their kids, they can still their kids’ love.”

Additionally, Shepherd said he also gives advice to women who are in abusive relationships.

For persons who may be seeking advice on relationships and domestic violence you can reach out to Randy through his facebook account Randy Shepherd.

The man hosts several meetings throughout the week and he is assuring those who may reach out that everything shared will remain confidential.

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