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Jagdeo wants ‘you’ to look out for shoddy works from contractors

Vice President Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo.

The Government has awarded and continues to award numerous contracts for various projects, as it intensifies its infrastructural development throughout the country.

With this in mind, the Vice President Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo is urging citizens to continue posting substandard works to social media, so that the relevant agencies can be informed and consequently intervene.

He said Guyanese must be the Government’s ‘eyes on the ground’ since the authorities cannot be everywhere at once.

“Send the information to the ministry, post it on their web pages, take a picture of shoddy work being done on a contract, post it on Public Works page, send it to Edghill [Minister of Public Works Juan Edghill] and Indar [Minister within the Public Works Ministry] and Nigel Dharamlall [Minister of Local Government and Regional Development] or the regional chairman.” Stressing the importance of this kind of community activism, the senior government functionary explained that poor-quality work in communities will affect residents.

“People should do this because ultimately if the contractor does shoddy work in your area and the road deteriorates quickly, you’re gonna suffer ” Mr. Jagdeo also noted the importance of regional bodies in supervising and ensuring projects are of high quality. “This is where we need the local bodies to be vigilant […] sometimes the region has a lazy faire attitude to lots of these things or they are very close to some of the contractors.”


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