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Housing outreach in Wakenaam: Existing applicants to receive house lots in coming weeks

Wakenaam overhead shot [Photo:Central Housing and Planning Authority]

Residents of Wakenaam, Region Three turned out in their numbers for the first-ever housing outreach on lead by Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal and Chief Executive Officer of the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA), Sherwyn Greaves on Monday.

From left to right: CEO of CH&PA Sherwyn Greaves and Housing Minister Collin Croal [Photo: Central Housing and Planning Authority]

During the outreach Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal spoke of the Ministry's plan to allocate lands to persons who are interested.

He noted that in the coming weeks the 'Dream Realised' Housing Drive - Region Three exercise will cater to persons who are interested in lands outside of the island. He also stated that the Ministry will explore the possibility of acquiring lands at Wakenaam for residential lots on the island. Meanwhile, Chief Executive Officer of the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA), Sherwyn Greaves noted the CHPA's commitment to engaging citizens from every geographical area, as a way of meeting the housing demand. He further stated that irrespective of location, the agency will explore all options possible to cater to the unique needs of the island. Residents were afforded the opportunity to lodge new applications, update existing allocations and register for a housing option of their choice.

At the end of the exercise the CEO stated that over 200 persons expressed interest in lands outside of the island (Region Three and Four). Additionally, 50 new applications from residents were processed; and another 120 persons purchased forms to initiate the application process.

[Extracted and modified from CH&PA's press release]


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