GWI says there has been steady improvement in water quality in Central Georgetown

See below statement from the Guyana Water Corporation (GWI):
The Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) confirms that there has been steady improvement of the water quality in Central Georgetown since the press briefing held August 15, 2024, where the company outlined the challenges experienced at its Shelterbelt operations.
As daily monitoring and water quality testing continue, the results have shown continuous improvements in the quality and supply. While some areas such as Stabroek, Regent Street, Hadfield and Albertown are showing high levels of water clarity, other areas at the further end of the distribution network including Kitty and Charlestown are experiencing gradual improvements.
In response, GWI has dispatched technical teams and is aggressively flushing the network to improve the clarity of the water. GWI remains committed and is working assiduously to ensure the situation continues to improve so residents can have access to better quality of water.