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GSSF, Praetorian Executive Protection Services partner up for steel shoot

Staff Writer

GSSF Director Captain Gary Sahai receives sponsorship funds from Praetorian’s CEO, Dallas Thomas in presence of GSSF’s Directors. From left to right, Dr. Pravesh Harry, Capt. Gary Sahai, Dallas Thomas and Andrew Phang

The Guyana Sport Shooting Foundation and Praetorian Executive Protection Services Inc. have partnered for a Steel Challenge Match.

At the small hand-over ceremony at Praetorian Executive Protection Services Inc.’s head office situated at Lot Carmichael and Quamina Streets, Chief Executive Officer Dallas Thomas indicated his delight in sponsoring what promises to be an exciting Match.

G.S.S.F.’s Directors expressed thanks in attendance, namely, Capt. Gary Sahai, Andrew Phang, and Dr Pravesh Harry who indicated they look forward to this being an annual event on G.S.S.F’s Shooting calendar.

Match Director Captain Sahai reported that two stages are being planned where competitors will be shooting at five steel targets which are arranged in preconfigured positions.

Scoring will be done using a timer that records the time taken for a shooter to complete engaging all five targets.

The shooter’s time is their score, with time added for targets not hit. Scores are entered into specialised software, and the shooter with the lowest overall time wins the match.

Participants will fall under three divisions, Limited, Production, and Wildcat, with prizes being awarded to the top three shooters in each division. Special medal allocation will be given to the shooter with the fastest string/stage for each division.

The GSSF, an affiliate of the Steel Challenge Shooting Association (SCSA), continues to promote this simple yet action-packed shooting sport to local pistol shooters by organising such matches on a regular basis.

Steel Challenge is considered to be the fastest practical shooting competition in the world. All matches comply with all rules and regulations stipulated by the SCSA.


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