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Forms for submission of Lists of Candidates for Local Government Elections available


Political Parties, Voluntary Groups, and Individuals that are desirous of contesting in Local Government Elections 2023 are advised that the requisite Statutory Forms for the submission of their respective Lists of Candidates can be accessed on GECOM’s website at

Alternatively, copies can be uplifted from the GECOM Registration Office responsible for the Local Authority Area (LAA) to be contested.

All interested Parties, Groups or Persons are reminded that Pursuant to Section 41(1) of the Local Authorities Act, Cap. 28:03, the Guyana Elections Commission has appointed 12th December, 2022 as Nomination Day for the Local Government Elections to be held on 13th March, 2023. In this regard, all Political Parties, Voluntary Groups, and Individuals that are desirous of contesting the said Local Government Elections are required to submit their respective Lists of Candidates, and pre-approved Symbols, on Nomination Day.

Political Parties and Voluntary Groups contesting the Proportional Representation component of Local Government Elections must complete and submit their Lists of Candidates using Form 12 accompanied by Form 13 i.e. the Statutory Declaration. In the case of Political Parties, Voluntary Groups, and Individuals contesting the First-Past-the-Post or Constituency component of the election, they must complete Form 12A accompanied by Form 13A i.e. the Statutory Declaration.

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