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Fire destroys top story of apartment building

A fire which began around 08:40 am on Wednesday has left Lynette Obryan the owner of an apartment building located at 74 Castello Housing Scheme ,Georgetown counting millions of dollars in lost after a fire completely destroyed the top story of the building.

According to Naoimi Roberts who resided in the upper flat, the fire was lit by her three year old son. She said

“I was on the stove frying egg well cooking and my lil son my son on the bed with the lighter and when my daughter tell me my son was with the lighter the bed already catch a fire so by time I could have turn around to do anything it was already in flame already."

Roberts said she was unable to save anything as a result of “running down to get water to out the fire."

As a result of the fire, Roberts and her two children who resided in the upper flat would have to vacate the building. When questioned about what would be her next step from here Naiomi said

“I think I have to stay by my dad until I can work and build back the people place.”

Meanwhile, Lynette said she is devastated as a result of the fire .She noted that she was at work when she got the news. Three fire hydrants were on the scene battling the fire and responded promptly to the call according to her.


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