Changes to local authority areas for “better representation” of citizens – Minister Dharamlall

Minister of Local Government Nigel Dharamlall has announced that constituency boundaries have now been reverted to their status as of 2016, resulting in an increased number of councillors and constituencies.
In 2018, the previous administration introduced orders to amend 14 Local Government Areas (LGAs), removing a total of 16 constituencies and activating nine local authority areas.
Minister of Local Government Nigel Dharamlall announced earlier today that all areas affected by that change have now been reverted to the way they were at the time of the 2016 Local Government Elections.
He stated that this followed numerous consultations with residents of affected communities, and he is certain this will have a positive impact on the citizens.
“There are 14 areas that were affected in 2018 and we have decided that for better representation those areas go back to the 2016 constituency boundaries. We believe that, at the end of Local Government Elections on March 13, there will be better representation of people.”
The Minister added that these expansions will lead to an increase in the complement of councillors in local democratic organs in the 80 local authority areas; namely the 70 Neighbourhood Democratic Councils and 10 municipalities.
“In 2018 we had 1192 councillors in 596 constituencies and for the 2023 Local Government Elections we will have 1220 councillors in 610 constituencies across the country.”
Within these changes, the Region One constituency has been expanded to include Wauna, which was formerly excluded.
Lower Pomeroon NDCs Moruca/Phoenix Park and Kitty/Providence have also been merged due to their small populations.
In Region Three the Toevlugt / Patentia NDC has also been extended to capture the Village of Free and Easy.
Due to Region Six being the largest NDC area in the country, Minister Dharmlall says the 52/74 constituency has been split into two NDCs, 52 to 63 and 64 to 74.
Local Government Elections are set to take place on March 13, 2023. The elections were statutorily due in 2021 but differed to this year.