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20-year-old gets bail for stealing construction materials, equipment

Charged: Leonard Smartt

A 20-year-old man who was accused of stealing a quantity of construction materials and equipment was on Tuesday slapped with a simple larceny charge.

Leonard Smartt, called Osanti Benjamin of Laing Avenue, Georgetown, was hauled before Principal Magistrate Judy Latchman in the Diamond/Golden Grove Magistrate's Court.

The incident occurred on September 23, 2022, at Aronco Construction Inc, located at Providence, East Bank Demerara (EBD).

The court heard that the accused stole one 'ransom' valued at $600,000, one sling cement valued at $70,000, one 2-inch water pump valued at $70,000, and a wheelbarrow valued at $30,000.

The accused pleaded not guilty to the charge and was released on $80,000 bail. The matter was adjourned to November 11, 2022, for statement and report.

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