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Unidentified male found dead in New Amsterdam

Staff Writer

The Police in Berbice are working to ascertain the circumstances surrounding the death of an unidentified male whose lifeless body was found at Strand and Pitt Streets New Amsterdam Berbice earlier today.

The body was discovered at about 6:45 hours and is described to be that of a male of East Indian origin with an average age of about 65 years. He was lying face down in front of a store clad in a pink jersey and brown short pants.

MTV News Update understands that the now deceased was destitute and would normally sleep on the pavements.

Upon arrival at the scene, the police examined the body for marks of violence but none was found. The body was then escorted to New Amsterdam Regional Hospital where he was pronounced dead by a doctor.

The body is presently at Arokium Funeral home awaiting identification and Post Mortem Examination.

Investigations are ongoing.


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