As Amerindian Heritage month activities kick off, President Irfaan Ali has made it clear that every single Amerindian who wants to become qualified in various areas will be trained with opportunities provided by the State.
President Irfaan Ali told attendees present at the Amerindian Heritage Cultural Extravaganza at the National Stadium of his government’s commitment to providing opportunities and investments to develop the indigenous peoples’ skillsets.

“Every single Amerindian with the qualifications that want to be trained as a nurse, as a teacher, as a dental technician, as a medical worker, I am saying to you now, we are committing that we as a government will train every single one of you.”
Although persons are responding to the opportunities, he urged them to use them. According to the President, more than 60% of junior teachers are employed from the hinterland and riverine communities. This means that more than 500 employed teachers are Amerindians.
“Do not let anyone ever lead you to believe that you don’t have the talent or you don’t have the capacity. You don’t only have the talent and the capacity, but you have the commitment and the determination and the strength of character to be all you can be, and we will create the environment to ensure you be all you can be.”
The Cultural Extravaganza forms part of the month-long activities being hosted in observance of Amerindian Heritage month.
The theme for 2022 is ‘Celebrating our traditional culture while building one Guyana.’ A series of exciting activities are planned, and Mainstay Whyaka is this year’s Amerindian Village.