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Guyana Squash Association to host Junior CASA in July

Updated: Feb 10, 2022

The Guyana Squash Association has set a competitive local calendar for the remainder of the year, inclusive of hosting the Junior Squash Championships in July.

Guyanese chess players raising Golden Arrrowhead after a past international comeptition

Alex Arjoon

The Guyana Squash Association on Sunday concluded their Bounty Farms Ltd tournament where Alex Arjoon emerged victorious, despite heading into the tournament with the largest Handicap.

The remainder of the year is also set to be quite busy for local players.

Dejé Dias, Chairman of the Guyana Squash Association’s competitions committee said, “We have a veterans’ tournaments, BCQS. That was the tournament founded in Barbados that went all over the Caribbean. They’ve had an installment here which has seen great success and we’re really happy to have VCQS here again.”

This will be followed by the continuation of the local squash league, which began a few months ago.

“and the league runs for a month. Following that we have nationals because we didn’t get to have nationals last year so I tried to fit two sets of Nationals into this year.”

“So we have the 2021 nationals playing directly after the league in March, so its seniors first, then juniors, then we go directly back into the league again so... it’s gonna be a lot.”

Guyana has also been confirmed as hosts for the Junior Caribbean squash championships in July of this year.

This also marks our return to the Caribbean court as no Caribbean championships on the Junior or Senior level have been held since Guyana hosted Senior CASA in in 2019.

Guyana last hosted Junior CASA 2017 when they lost their 12-year title.

The association will be looking to field a strong team for this event, as players are eager to get back into high level regional events such as these.

Dejé Dias, Chairman of the Guyana Squash Association’s competitions committee

“We make a team of five players – two from Under-19 and three from the rest of categories. So you have to be within a certain age range to qualify for that tournament.”

“The way that we select that tournament is that we have our local tournaments which we’ll know who’s vying for those spots.”

“We’ll have our junior nationals which is usually our selection but that doesn’t guarantee selection but it surely points in the right direction who we’re looking at to maybe do a play-off, look at their training etiquette, look at their fitness level, and that’s how we select that team.”


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